Reducing institutional rigidities in product and labour markets is key to lowering unemployment. The impact of such labour and product market reforms, however, depends crucially on the country-specific…
Households do not follow the finance industry's model of a homo oeconomicus - a rational planner. To the contrary, their financial decisions are influenced by character traits (e.g. self-control), (a lack of)…
This paper studies popular macroeconomic factors based on the gross domestic product (GDP) in a unified framework. Based on theoretical reasons, aggregate GDP as a measure of fundamental risk is an obvious risk…
This paper analyzes the domiciliation decision in the mutual fund market. The intensified competition among fund companies in the EU has provided incentives to relocate companies' activities and to domicile…
Motivated by the current discussion on different separate banking systems, we provide an overview of the different systems, question them and outline their effect on systemic stability and the German banking…