The Future of Work Is Shaped by Change


ZEW Economist Melanie Arntz Speaks in the New Episode of the #ZEWPodcast

In the new episode of the #ZEWPodcast, Professor Melanie Arntz speaks about the future of the world of work.

Digitalisation is changing the way we work; there are more and more tasks that can be automated. In the new episode of the #ZEWPodcast, moderator Carola Hesch talks to ZEW economist Professor Melanie Arntz, who sheds light on which tasks will still require human labour and how the ongoing transformation will change qualification profiles for workers. There is good news for those who are worried about the end of human labour: “The bottom line is that we’re not going to run out of work.” While the first two editions were published in German, there are plans to produce English editions of the podcast as well.

In the #ZEWPodcast “Wirtschaft · Forschung · Debatten”/“Economy · Research · Debates”, labour market economist Melanie Arntz explains that while most jobs will undergo changes in the future, there is little risk that they will be entirely replaced by machines. Firstly, companies are only gradually implementing technological changes: “Experience shows that adapting to digital business models requires large investments from firms.” In addition, most machines carry out tasks that complement human labour. Since they increase company productivity, the purchase of machines can even increase the demand for specific job profiles. Moreover, productivity growth may also increase corporate revenues and wages, which raises consumption and hence demand for workers.

In this new work environment, much value will be given to the combination of analytical and communication skills. Interdisciplinary thinking and creativity will be needed more than ever, explains Arntz. “It is the human factor that counts.” At the same time, however, there is also the risk of low-skilled and older workers being left behind. This is why opportunities for further training and live-long learning should be made available for these groups of workers, suggests the deputy head of the ZEW Research Department “Labour Markers and Human Resources.”