
  1. Dates and News // 07.11.2014

    ZEW President Fuest Welcomes Increased Government Investment Without Additional Debt

    The president of the Centre for European Economic Research, Professor Clemens Fuest, gives a positive assessment of additional government investments.
  2. Research // 06.11.2014

    Monitoring Report - Cultural and Creative Industries Still on a Growth Course

    The German cultural and creative industries continue to expand. In 2013, total sales of the sector climbed to EUR 145 billion. The number of regular employees paying into the social insurance system increased…
  3. Dates and News // 03.11.2014

    Rebound Webinar about Energy Efficiency on November 13, 2014 - Largest Energy Source or a Source of Additional Demand?

    Increasing energy efficiency is an important step on our way to a more climate- and resource-friendly building stock. In reality though, energy savings generated through energy efficiency measures tend to be…
  4. Research // 30.10.2014

    2014 Innovation Indicator - Germany Secures International Position

    Germany is still in a good shape when it comes to innovation strength. In an international comparison of 35 industrial nations, Germany ranked sixth. The leading countries, Switzerland and Singapore, remain…
  5. Opinion // 23.10.2014

    Investment, Debt, and Balanced Budgets

    The recent spate of bad economic news is akin to a freezing autumn rain ruining the end of a sunny late summer’s day. Bold optimism characterised the first half of 2014. The German economy seemed to be brimming…
  6. Questions & Answers // 23.10.2014

    Is Germany on the Cusp of the Next Industrial Revolution? "The Implementation of Industry 4.0 Will Remain Limited to Individual Cases for Now"

    When industrial production melds seamlessly with modern information and communication technologies (ICT), a new economic era called "Industry 4.0" will arise, some experts predict. To explore the potential of…
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