
  1. Questions & Answers // 20.12.2016

    Can the North–South Corridor Be Built Cost-Effectively?

    As part of its green energy revolution, Germany is planning a mammoth project: Südlink, an 800-kilometre-long power transmission corridor connecting the wind-rich North with consumers in the South. But while…
  2. Opinion // 15.12.2016

    Year After Year – On the (Ir)rationality of Gift-Giving

    Economic truths can be cruel. In 1993, the University of Minnesota’s Joel Waldfogel published a famous article about the deadweight loss that occurs at Christmas. According to his analysis, billions are lost…
  3. Research // 13.12.2016

    Survey Among Bank Customers – Current Low Interest Rates Prompt Households to Save Less

    The currently very low interest rates are having a decisive influence on the savings behaviour in Germany. These are the findings of a survey conducted by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) among…
  4. Dates and News // 13.12.2016

    Release dates for the China Economic Panel (CEP) in 2017

    In 2017, the CEP Indicator will be released on the following dates at 10:00 a.m. Frankfurt Time.
  5. Workshop // 07.12.2016

    ZEW-FDZ Data User Workshop Provides Opportunity for Exchange of Experience

    On 16 and 17 November 2016 the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) hosted a workshop for users of the ZEW Research Data Centre (FDZ) in Mannheim. About 40 national and international researchers attended…