
  1. Research // 13.10.2015

    How Condominium Owners' Associations Carry Out Energy Efficiency Building Renovations

    A third of Baden-Württemberg's housing stock is in the hands of condominium owners' associations (COAs). A major proportion of COA buildings are in dire need of renovation and offer a large potential for energy…
  2. Research // 09.10.2015

    Integration of Asylum Seekers - Ministry of Science Promotes "Urban Field Lab" Project of PH and ZEW

    The project "Asylum seekers in Heidelberg - language skills, employment and social inclusion", carried out in cooperation between the Heidelberg University of Education (PH) and the Centre for European Economic…
  3. Personnel // 29.09.2015

    Carlo Cambini Visiting Researcher at ZEW

    Carlo Cambini, PhD, was a visiting researcher in ZEW's Research Group "Competition and Regulation" from September 21 to 23, 2015. He is Professor of Industrial Organisation at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). His…
  4. Dates and News // 25.09.2015

    High-Level Closing Conference of the ENTRACTE Research Project in Brussels

    On September 25, high-ranking researchers and decision-makers meet in Brussels for the closing conference of the ENTRACTE research project. Over the past three years, the project, which is funded under the EU's…