This paper studies the effects of the high-speed internet expansion on the match quality of new hires. They combine data on internet availability at the local level with German individual register and vacancy…
The authors investigate the impact of industry engagement on the direction of academic science. They apply the framework of the research agenda to assess to which extent industry engagement shifts the costs and…
We use car-level micro data to provide empirical evidence on the usage of conventional and electric vehicles (EVs) in private and car sharing fleets in Germany. We shed light on both monetary and…
We investigate how changes in firm productivity after M&As are affected by differences in profit taxation between the target and the acquirer. We argue that tax differentials distort the efficient allocation of…
Zum dritten Mal haben das ZEW Mannheim und die Universität Mannheim alle 16 deutschen Landesparlamente zur Schuldenbremse befragt. Dieses langfristige Umfrage-Projekt wird durch den von der Deutschen…
This paper studies effects of the introduction of a new digital mass medium on reemployment of unemployed job seekers. We combine data on broadband internet availability at the local level with German individual…