Die Maßnahmen zur Verlangsamung der Verbreitung des Covid-19-Erregers haben die Weltwirtschaft in weiten Teilen zum Erliegen gebracht. Dies wird in Deutschland sowie in vielen anderen Ländern zu einer tiefen…
Using public procurement to promote private innovation activities has attracted increasing attention recently. Germany implemented a legal change in its procurement framework in 2009, which allowed government…
This paper tests for the sensitivity of R&D to financing constraints conditional on restrictions in external financing. Financing constraints of firms are identified by an exogenously calculated rating index.…
We discuss important properties and pitfalls of panel-data event study designs. We derive three main results. First, binning of effect window endpoints is a practical necessity and key for identification of…
Based on a detailed model of the German tax-benefit system, this paper simulates private and fiscal returns to education for college graduates and college dropouts. Completing a five-year college degree is found…
In this paper, we investigate whether dynamic incentive schemes lead to a ratchet effect in a social dilemma. We test whether subjects strategically restrict their contribution levels at the beginning of a…
Die COVID-19-Pandemie ist nicht nur eine humanitäre Krise, sondern auch ein einschneidendes ökonomisches Krisenereignis. Die ökonomischen und finanziellen Folgen sind derzeit nicht seriös abschätzbar und hängen…
Auctions with endogenous rationing have been introduced to stimulate competition. Such (procurement) auctions reduce the volume put out to tender when competition is low. This paper finds a strong negative…
We show that measures of inequality of opportunity (IOP) fully consistent with Roemer (1998)'s IOP theory can be straightforwardly estimated by adopting a machine learning approach, and apply our novel method to…
Can publicly available, web-scraped data be used to identify promising business startups at an early stage? To answer this question, we use such textual and non-textual information about the names of Danish…