“Once ZEW, Always ZEW” – Reflecting on Lifelong Connections


Timo Reister Featured on ZEW Podcast

While ZEW’s staff size remains constant at around 200 people, part of the staff rotates relatively frequently. The reason for this is that many researchers depart after completing their doctorate. One such alumnus is Dr. Timo Reister, who previously worked in ZEW’s “Corporate Taxation and Public Finance” Unit. In 2009, he transitioned to Fuchs SE, the world’s largest independent and publicly listed lubricant company, headquartered in Mannheim. There, he rose to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board. Podcast host Bastian Thüne visited him in his office to record the latest episode of the ZEW Podcast. Timo Reister discusses his lifelong connection with ZEW and reflects on his formative years at the institute. Additionally, he shares insights on climbing to the top of a global corporation and the lessons he gleaned from professional footballer Thomas Müller.

Podcast in german language


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