Blueprints for an Integration of Science, Technology and Environmental Policy (BLUEPRINT)

Blueprints for an Integration of Science, Technology and Environmental Policy (BLUEPRINT)


European Commission

Period: 20.04.2001 – 31.12.2003

BLUEPRINT is the short name for "Blueprints for an Integration of Science, Technology and Environmental Policy". The network was designed to examine the relationship between S&T and environmental policies considering the complexity of factors influencing innovation and environmental decisions in firms. The objective of the network was to promote dialogue between the socio-economic research community, policy makers, industry and intermediate organisations in Europe in order to enhance policy coherence in addressing sustainable development issues.The final report on "Blueprints for an Integration of Science, Technology and Environmental Policy" as a result of the final conference is planned to stimulate new policy initiatives in this area. The final report can be downloaded from the project website

Project members

Klaus Rennings

Klaus Rennings

Project Coordinator
Acting Head

To the profile
Andreas Ziegler

Andreas Ziegler

Research Associate

To the profile
European Commission, Brüssel, BE
Cooperation partner
United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on Innovation and Technology (UNU-Merit), Maastricht, NL // Gesellschaft für Umwelt- und Gesundheitsforschung, München, DE // Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK // Avanzi - idee ricerche e progetti per la sostenibilita, Mailand, Neapel, IT