Competition and Current Developments in Teaching and Knowledge Transfer by German Universities

Competition and Current Developments in Teaching and Knowledge Transfer by German Universities

The aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate current quantitative and qualitative developments in transfer activities within the German higher education landscape, with a particular focus on their performance in an international comparison and in light of changing framework conditions. The study seeks to generate new insights into the transfer orientation and transfer activities of German universities. Special attention is given to activities characterized by patent- and startup-based transfer approaches.

The empirical analyses of the study are based on patent and publication data, startup data from the Mannheim Enterprise Panel and the Mannheim Web Panel, as well as qualitative content analyses.

The study focuses on three core topics:

  1. Strategic positioning of universities in the competition for students, as well as the quantitative and qualitative development of higher education teaching.
  2. Development of structures and activities of universities in Germany in the field of transfer.
  3. Innovation potential of scientific output and its realization in comparisons across countries and institutions.

Based on the empirical findings, recommendations for innovation and higher education policy will be developed.

Project members

Thomas Schaper

Thomas Schaper

Project Coordinator
Advanced Researcher

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Bernhard Ganglmair

Bernhard Ganglmair

Head of Junior Research Group

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Lion Holste

Lion Holste


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