2013-14 ZEW Seminar Programme Published - Proven Range of Services With New Highlights

Knowledge Transfer and Qualification Programmes

Current Seminar Programme

The new seminar programme of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim is now available. Once again, ZEW offers numerous Expert Seminars on current issues from September 2013 to June 2014. The seminar programme benefits from the methodological expertise of the ZEW researchers who organise and hold training

courses together with external experts. The spectrum of seminar topics ranges from econometrics, financial market analysis and financial management to business administration and organisation.

In addition to the series of seminars that have proven successful for years such as the Qualification Programme for Econometrics or the Expert Seminars on economic analyses, ZEW presents new topics with regard to current issues for managers and executives. These include, for example, the Expert Seminar "Ökonometrische Ermittlung von Kartellschäden" (Econometric Identification of Cartel Damages) for legal advisors and management consultants specialised in cartel law. It imparts an in-depth understanding of the quantification of cartel damages and provides the opportunity to deepen this knowledge by working on specific cases. Also new to the programme is the seminar "Social Software im Unternehmen" (Social Software in Companies). On the basis of best practice examples, the participants are presented with insight into social media application fields and success factors with regard to corporate strategy.

The programme for researchers has also been extended. This year, the successful seminars for researchers in managerial positions as well as the English presentation training "Scientific talks in English" will be complemented by the Expert Seminar "Wissenschaftliche Besprechungen und Diskussionen moderieren" (How to Chair Scientific Meetings and Discussions). This seminar teaches basic communication and presentation techniques to professionally manage a team.

"Effective and efficient professional training is a key factor for success. The fact that knowledge generates high returns leverages the decision to invest quality-consciously in education. As an economic research institute, ZEW provides practical and high-quality seminars on macroeconomic and business topics", emphasises Thomas Kohl, Director of Business and Administration at ZEW. Participants confirm the high quality of the ZEW seminars. Ulrich Janischka from TransnetBW praises the introductory seminar on econometrics: "The speakers are very patient and their competences are by far not limited to specific econometric topics. All in all, three well-trained economists were responsible for a group of ten participants – what an unbeatable ratio."

Joint organisation and moderation by researchers and experienced practitioners is characteristic of ZEW Expert Seminars. ZEW instructor teams combine the latest research results with practical professional experience. ZEW is the only German research institute offering seminars of this type. Furthermore, the research institutes seminar programme comprises tailor-made in-house qualification measures for firms and institutions in English and German.

For further information please contact

Barbara Hey, Phone +49 621/1235-244, E-mail hey@zew.de

Silvana Arndt, Phone +49 621/1235-243, E-mail arndt@zew.de

General information, current events, and registration at http://www.zew.de/weiterbildung