Bildungsdefizite Corona-bedingter Schulschließungen? Eine bildungshistorische Analyse
ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-073 // 2020In current forecasts of learning and income losses due to corona-related school closings, the short school years for the nationwide standardization of the start of the school year and the extension of compulsory full-time schooling from eight to nine years in the 1960s play a prominent role. Their retrospectively determined effects serve as a yardstick for predicting long-term reduced individual incomes as a direct consequence of corona-related school closings. On the other hand, in the context of the massively accelerated educational expansion after the Second World War, it is questioned whether isolated from the dynamics of the educational system, i.e. the effects of short school years or extended school years on skills development and income that were determined in a trend-neutral manner are correctly recorded and can be transferred to the current situation. In addition, the currently feared negative effects of restricted learning on schooling and school success cannot be confirmed in the short school years.
Drewek, Peter (2020), Bildungsdefizite Corona-bedingter Schulschließungen? Eine bildungshistorische Analyse, ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-073, Mannheim.