Third Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market: Spatial Dimensions of Inequality
WorkshopThe 3rd Workshop on 'Spatial Dimensions of the Labour Market' focuses on topics concerning regional labour markets. This year, a special focus is placed on inequality across space. The workshop, jointly organised by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (RCEA) and the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), aims to bring together frontier researchers from the areas of labour economics, regional economics, geography and other related fields. Theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented contributions are welcome.
The workshop has a special focus on the spatial dimensions of inequality. A non-exhaustive list of topics is:
- Spatial disparities and determinants in employment and wages
- Spatial mismatch, unemployment and spatial job search
- Mobility of labour and relocation of firms
- Spatial dimensions of a polarization polarisation of the labour market
- Effects of globalization globalisation within and across regions
- Firms’ productivity, productivity growth and innovation across regions
- Demographic trends and forecasting of regional labour markets
- Evaluation of regional labour market policies