More than 37 per cent of all companies engaged in the information economy do already rely on cloud computing. 48 per cent of these cloud users accelerated their business processes and 40 per cent obtained…
The utilisation of tablet PCs among companies of the information industry is rapidly growing. Already 25 per cent of the companies provide their staff with tablets. This number is expected to grow by another 12…
After having peaked during the second quarter of 2011, the sentiment in the economic sector of information industry has tarnished noticeably during the third quarter. The ZEW Sentiment Indicator Information…
Around 39 per cent of the companies in the economic sector service providers of the information society operate abroad and sell their products and services in different regions worldwide. This international…
The economic sentiment among companies in the economic sector service providers of the information society remains positive in the middle of 2011. Neither strong increases nor decreases in the indicators for…
Among the service providers of the information society it has become increasingly common to make use of e-commerce in the procurement of inputs rather than in sales and marketing of ones own products and…
The overall sentiment in the sector of service providers of the information society has tarnished in the first quarter of the year 2011 in comparison to the quarter immediately prior to it. To a significant…
The economy has just recovered from the economic crisis, and already the public debate about skilled worker shortage is continuing. Many firms claim they are not able to fill vacancies with sufficiently…
In the fourth quarter of 2010, the sentiment in the economic sector of service providers of the information society continued to improve in comparison to the previous quarter. A reason for this is, in…