Latest Press Releases

  1. China Economic Barometer // 12.10.2017

    German Companies Operating in China Experience a Brexit Boost

    The EU and Germany are already profiting from the UK’s decision to leave the EU. According to the assessment of German managers working in China, Brexit is offering many European companies the opportunity to…
  2. Dates and News // 02.10.2017

    2017 YES! Award Goes to Student 2017 YES! Award Goes to Student Team from BBS Wirtschaft 1 Ludwigshafen

    Daniel Günther, Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, announced the winners of the German economics competition YES! – Young Economic Summit 2017: The student team from BBS Wirtschaft 1 Ludwigshafen won the…
  3. Comment // 26.09.2017

    Macron Is Setting the Right Priorities for the Future EU Budget

    French President Emmanuel Macron has laid out his vision for reform of the European Union and the Eurozone. In his speech, he called for Europe to strengthen its efforts in the fields of defence policy, common…