Latest Press Releases

  1. Information Economy // 07.11.2012

    Information Economy: The Internet Becomes More and More the Driving Force Behind Business Success

    Today, the Internet is already essential for the success of half of the companies in the German information economy. Most companies in the sector assume that until the end of 2014, the significance of the World…
  2. Research // 31.10.2012

    More Flexibility Could Increase the Success of Public Innovation Funding

    Every year, the European Union and its Member States spend billions of euros for funding Research and Development (R&D) projects both in companies and public research organisations. The aim is to strengthen…
  3. M&A Index // 23.10.2012

    ZEW-ZEPHYR Index for Germany - Mergers and Acquisitions Continue to Stagnate in 2013

    A recovery of the German M&A-market is still not in sight. The ZEW-ZEPHYR Index for Germany has been manoeuvring at the 60-points mark since the beginning of 2011. Until mid-2013, M&A activities will stagnate…
  4. CEE Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 18.10.2012

    ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)- Rising Optimism

    Economic expectations for Central and Eastern Europe including Turkey (CEE) have improved considerably in October. The ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator has increased by 20.1 points to a level…
  5. Dates and News // 17.10.2012

    Economist From Rutgers University Receives ZEW's Heinz König Young Scholar Award

    This year's Heinz König Young Scholar Award goes to Jitao Tang, Teaching Assistant at Rutgers University. Jitao Tang is already the ninth laureate of the award endowed by the Centre for European Economic…
  6. CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 17.10.2012

    ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Economic Outlook Improves Slightly

    Economic expectations for Switzerland have improved by 6.0 points to the minus-28.9-points mark in October 2012. Thus, the ZEW-CS Indicator of Economic Sentiment has increased by a total of 14.5 points since…