Latest Press Releases

  1. CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 15.07.2015

    ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Economic Outlook Decreases

    In July 2015 the ZEW-CS Indicator for Switzerland decreases. The indicator declines by 5.5 points and now stands at a value of minus 5.4 points. This reading indicates that a slightly larger fraction of…
  2. Comment // 02.07.2015

    Expert Statement on the German Federal Government’s Decision to Establish a Capacity Reserve: Shutting Down Coal-Fired Power Plants Costs Billions – and Contributes Nothing to Protect the Climate

    Dr. Martin Achtnicht, Senior Researcher and Acting Deputy Head of the ZEW Research Department "Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management", assesses the climate effects resulting from the…
  3. Comment // 27.06.2015

    Statement of Professor Clemens Fuest, President of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), on the Greek Referendum

    Deadline extension for Greek referendum requires capital controls as from Monday. A comment by Professor Clemens Fuest on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' announcement of a referendum on the bailout programme on…