Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 02.12.2004

    Hartz Reforms - Limitations to Early Retirement Reasonable

    The German government tries to combat growing unemployment by introducing the so-called "Hartz laws" (a labour market reform package). It remains to be seen whether these measure will be successful - some of…
  2. Research // 24.11.2004

    Employment of Older Professionals - Hard Facts Are More Important Than Soft Perceptions

    In an international comparison, job market participation of older professionals in Germany is quite low. At times it has been suggested that this fact may be accounted for by a somewhat low esteem in the…
  3. Research // 16.11.2004

    Start-up Activity in Germany - "Ich-AGs" Boosting Start-up Numbers?

    In 2003, the number of newly founded firms in Germany grew by eight per cent year-on-year. The main driver behind this surge of start-up activity is the introduction of a business start-up subsidy for employees…
  4. Research // 09.11.2004

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment November 2004 - Dampened Economic Expectations

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany shows a clear decrease of -17.4 points in November. Now standing at 13.9 points following 31.3 points in October, the indicator is now well below its…
  5. Research // 21.10.2004

    Service Providers in the Information Society – Temporary Contracts Becoming Ever More Popular

    In recent years, service providers in the information society have implemented a number of different organisational measures in order to optimise the provision of their services. It is with this aim in mind,…
  6. Conferences // 21.10.2004

    Symposium on International Corporate Taxation in Compliment to Professor Jacobs (22.10.2014)

    On the occasion of Professor Otto H. Jacobs's 65th birthday, the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the University of Mannheim will stage a scientific symposium entitled "Die internationale…
  7. Research // 20.10.2004

    Service Providers in the Information Economy Look to the Future with Confidence

    Service providers in the information economy are looking towards the coming quarter with confidence. This is reflected in the renewed increase in the ZEW-IDI sub-indicator for business expectations, which, with…
  8. Research // 12.10.2004

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment October 2004 - Increasing Pessimism Among Experts

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany decreases by 7.1 points in October. The indicator now stands at 31.3 points compared with +38.4 points in September. Hence, it lies below its historical…