Latest Press Releases

  1. CEE Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 16.07.2010

    ZEW-Erste Group Bank Sentiment Indicator for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - Cautious Economic Outlook for Central and Eastern Europe

    The economic expectations for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) decrease by 9.0 points in July. The CEE indicator which reflects the evaluation of the financial market experts regarding the economic development…
  2. CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 15.07.2010

    ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Economic Expectations Decline

    The ZEW-CS-Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Switzerland declines by 15.3 points in July and is now hovering just slightly in positive territory at the 2.2 mark. After a stable phase since September 2009, the…
  3. ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 13.07.2010

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment - Experts Expect Limited Potential for Further Improvement of the German Economy

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany drops by 7.5 points in July 2010. The indicator now stands at 21.2 points after 28.7 points in the previous month. This value is below the indicator’s…
  4. Information Economy // 12.07.2010

    Service Providers of the Information Society - Sector Research and Development Leading in Sales-Related Activities Abroad

    Companies in the sector service providers of the information society open up foreign markets in many ways. Around 25 percent of these companies export their services, about 20 percent work with foreign…
  5. Information Economy // 08.07.2010

    Service Providers of the Information Society - Optimistic Sentiment Among Knowledge-Intensive Service Providers

    In the second quarter of 2010, the economic situation of knowledge intensive service providers, including tax consultants, accountants, management consultants, architects, technical consultants and planners,…
  6. Dates and News // 08.07.2010

    Leibniz Association Senate Confirms ZEW as One of the Leading Economic Research Institutes in Europe

    Due to a extraordinary evaluation result, the Leibniz Association Senate has recommended to the German government to promote the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) Mannheim in the future as institute…
  7. Research // 06.07.2010

    Energy Prognosis: // Germany to Reach Important Goals in Climate Policy by 2030 - But Has to Face Increasing Risk Regarding Energy Supply

    Primary energy consumption in Germany will decrease by 21 percent by 2030 as compared to 2007. The main reason for this is a considerable increase in energy productivity found in the 2009 energy prognosis…
  8. Research // 01.07.2010

    KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer - German Companies Not Fit for EU Emissions Trading

    The second KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer indicates that German firms’ occupation with the opportunities and risks of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is insufficient. Two thirds of them have not yet analysed…
  9. Research // 28.06.2010

    ZEW Environmental Economist Andreas Löschel Appointed to Author Team of IPCC Assessment Report on Climate Change

    PD Dr. Andreas Löschel is one of 36 climate researchers from Germany contributing their expertise to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report which is to be published between June 2013 and March 2014. Löschel is head…