1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2007

    Persistence of the School Entry Age Effect in a System of Flexible Tracking

    In Germany, the streaming of students into an academic or nonacademic track at age 10 can be revised at later stages of secondary education. To investigate the importance of such revisions, we use administrative…

  2. Discussion and Working Paper // 2007

    Age-Dependent Skill Formation and Returns to Education: Simulation Based Evidence

    This study integrates findings from neurobiology and psychology on early childhood development and self-regulation to assess returns to education. Our framework for evaluating the distribution of age-specific…

  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2007

    Regional Dimensions of Liability of Foreignness: Between a Rock and a Hard Place?

    In this paper we develop optimized localization strategies for multinational firms to overcome their liability of foreignness by adding a regional dimension. We explore conceptually whether economic stress in a…

  4. Discussion and Working Paper // 2007

    Profiling Sustainable Innovators: Not Ready to Make Nice?

    Over the past decade, sustainable or “green” innovation has occupied a top-ranking position on the agenda of many firms. Sustainable innovation can be broadly defined as an innovation that has to consider…