1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2010

    Who Hosts the Clean Development Mechanism? Determinants of CDM Project Distribution

    The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) aims to enhance the efficiency of the Kyoto Protocol by providing greenhouse gas emission credits from projects in developing countries. Its unequal distribution among host…

  2. Discussion and Working Paper // 2010

    Financing constraints for industrial innovation: What do we know?

    This article provides an overview of the most important insights from economic literature on private investment into research and development activity and how it may be constrained by market failure. The focus…

  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2010

    Wirkungen eines Betreuungsgeldes bei bedarfsgerechtem Ausbau frühkindlicher Kindertagesbetreuung: Eine Mikrosimulationsstudie

    The paper simulates the impact of the proposed home care allowance for children of age 13- 36 months in Germany. We use the GSOEP to estimate a discrete choice model in which parents simultaneously decide on…