Die Automobilindustrie ist mit einem Umsatz von rund 254 Mrd. € eine der wichtigsten Industriebranchen Deutschlands. Sie ist gleichzeitig auch eine zentrale Stütze des deutschen…
This paper uses a simple model of fiscal competition in taxes and public inputs among local jurisdictions to analyze the incentive effects of fiscal equalization transfers. We find that a budget-compensated…
In 2005, the President of the Bank of Italy blocked the cross-border acquisition of two Italian banks for "prudential reasons and formal errors". Following these events, the EU Commission brought actions…
This paper compares electricity market reforms in the European Union with reforms in Chile and Brazil. The paradigm of competitive market structures for the electricity sector, as developed in the economics…
This paper examines educational outcomes of pupils selected to secondary school types by different tracking regimes in a German state: Pupils are alternatively streamed after fourth grade or after sixth grade.…
Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) constitute a disruption to the working environment of the inventive labor force of the acquired company. If inventors would respond with a decline of their patent productivity or…
This paper provides a new approach to assess the impact of organisational changes fostering employee involvement, performance related pay schemes and other relevant trends in personnel policy on the gender wage…
In this paper we employ a time series econometric framework to explore the structural determinants of the spread between the euro overnight rate and the ECB's policy rate (EONIA spread) aiming to explain the…