1. Refereed Journal // 2023

    Preferred field of study and academic performance

    This paper investigates the impact of studying the first-choice university subject on dropout and switching field of study for a cohort of students in Germany. Using detailed survey data, and employing an instru…

  2. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2023

    Juli 2023

    • Konjunkturausblick trübt sich weiter ein
    • Eurozone: Lage wird weiterhin schlecht eingeschätzt
    • USA: Zinserwartungen steigen stark an
    • China: Ausblick verschlechtert sich erneut
    • Sonderfrage: Mittelfristige…
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 23-024 // 2023

    Investor Responses to Information Updates on Peer Behavior and Public Investment Policy: The Case of Green Investments

    Green startups are a major driver of eco-innovation and as such a major contributor to climate change mitigation and green growth. However, they often lack sufficient funding from investors. Our study focuses on…

  4. ZEW Documentation No. 23-01 // 2023

    Dokumentation zur Innovationserhebung 2022

    Das Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) erhebt seit 1993 jährlich die Innovationsaktivitäten der deutschen Wirtschaft. Die Erhebung findet im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2023

    Moving Forward with Tax Sustainability Reporting in the EU – A Quantitative Descriptive Analysis

    This article examines the status quo of tax disclosure in the context of sustainability reporting and proposes recommendations for the creation of uniform EU Sustainability Reporting Standards. The analysis is…

  6. Discussion and Working Paper // 2023

    Changing the Game: The Role of Women in Experiential Learning

    Using economic games as a learning intervention in 56 Indian communities showed that involving more women led to greater success in sustainable water management two years after the intervention. Participation of…