1. ZEW Newsletter // 2020


    1. News
    2. Personalia
      • In Memoriam
    3. Press Releases
    4. Recent Publications
      • ZEWnews English Edition
      • ZEW expert briefs
      • German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI Report)
      • ZEW Discussion Papers
  2. German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI Report) // 2020

    Second Quarter 2020

    • The Corona Crisis Hits the Industry with Full Force
    • Only the Logistics Sector Could Benefit
    • Renewed Downward Trend in the Refinancing Markets
    • Pressure on Margins Appears to Have Eased
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-029 // 2020

    Hiring New Key Inventors to Improve Firms’ Post-M&A Inventive Output

    Although merger and acquisitions (M&As) are acknowledged as an important means to access innovative assets and know-how, firms’ inventive output often declines in the post-M&A period. Financial, managerial and…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-028 // 2020

    Austerity and Distributional Policy

    What are the effects of austerity on distributional policy? We exploit the autonomy of Italian municipalities in setting non-linear income taxes and the exogenous introduction of a fiscal rule to show that…

  5. China Economic Panel (CEP) // 2020

    June 2020

    • Expectations for Chinese Economy Improve: CEP Indicator Rises to a New Reading of 30.5
    • 37 analysts participated in the June survey, which was conducted during the period 9 till 17 June 2020
  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-027 // 2020

    The Incidence of VAT Evasion

    Who benefits from the evasion of value added taxes (VAT)? Using a reform that enforced VAT on previously non-compliant large retailers in Armenia, we estimate a onethird passthrough of the tax burden on prices.…

  7. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2020

    Juli 2020

    • Konjunkturelle Talsohle im Sommer 2020
    • Eurozone: Erste Verbesserung der Wirtschaftslage seit Januar 2020
    • USA: Dritter Anstieg der Konjunkturerwartungen in Folge
    • Japan: Konjunkturerwartungen erneut…