The last couple of years have seen an increasing interest in critical loss analysis, both, in academia and in practice. This development is documented by various research papers, high-level exchanges between…
The last couple of years have seen an increasing interest in the evaluation of competition policy both in practice and in academia. With respect to the former, the Office of Fair Trading in the UK, for instance,…
Economic theory suggests that financing constraints may occur due to capital market imperfections. These particularly affect investments in innovation projects as such projects are typically characterized by a…
The new growth theory considers knowledge to be a decisive engine of economic growth. More precisely, knowledge is not used solely to the benefit of its originator, but generates positive side effects also for…
The law on labour market reforms has severely limited the maximum benefit period for the elderly; with cuts of up to 14 months, depending on the age group. Our paper examines this natural experiment and shows…
This report quantifies the micro-economic effects of introducing a child care benefit ("Betreuungsgeld") for children less than three years old in Germany on both the parental labour supply and child care…
Weitgehend stabile Preise im kommenden halben Jahr
Ein erheblicher Teil der deutschen Transportwirtschaft scheint die Talsohle des konjunkturell bedingten Einbruchs der Transportmengen hinter sich zu haben. Die…