1. Refereed Journal // 2021

    Racing With or Against the Machine? Evidence on the Role of Trade in Europe

    Digital technologies displace labor from routine tasks, raising concerns that labor is racing against the machine. We develop an empirically tractable task-based framework to estimate the aggregate…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-054 // 2021

    Cost Dynamics of Clean Energy Technologies

    The pace of the global decarbonization process is widely believed to hinge on the rate of cost improvements for clean energy technologies, in particular renewable power and energy storage. This paper adopts the…

  3. ZEW expert brief No. 21-06 // 2021

    The Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Innovation

    In 2020, firms expected their innovation expenditures to decrease by about 2% in 2020 compared to 2019. This decline is much smaller than that in 2009 following the financial crisis, when innovation expenditures…

  4. ZEW policy brief No. 21-05 // 2021

    A Smart Design of New EU Emissions Trading Could Save 61 Per Cent of Mitigation Costs

    Carbon pricing is a key instrument for achieving Europe’s ambitious climate targets. It is therefore not surprising that reform of the EU carbon market is at the heart of the measures proposed by the European…

  5. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2021

    August 2021

    • Lageeinschätzung zum ersten Mal seit zwei Jahren im positiven Bereich
    • Euroraum: Starker Rückgang in den Konjunkturerwartungen
    • USA: Einschätzung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Situation verbessert sich
    • China:…
  6. Refereed Journal // 2021

    Small firms and the COVID-19 insolvency gap

    COVID-19 placed a special role on fiscal policy in rescuing companies short of liquidity from insolvency. In the first months of the crisis, SMEs as the backbone of Germany’s economy benefited from large and…