This paper studies the effect of trade liberalisation on gender wage inequality. A simple trade model with employer taste-based discrimination and imperfect competition provides an explanation for the…
We study the incentives of a streaming platform to bias consumption when products are vertically differentiated. The platform offers mixed bundles of content to monetize consumers’ interest in variety and pays…
Skills shortage has become a key policy issue in highly developed and innovation-oriented economies, with non-negligible consequences on firms’ innovation activities. We investigate the effect of skills shortage…
We estimate a dynamic structural model of labor supply, retirement, and informal care supply, incorporating labor market frictions and the German tax and benefit system. We find that in the absence of Germany’s…
I consider a repeated auction setting with colluding buyers and a seller who adjusts reserve prices over time without long-term commitment. To model the seller’s concern for collusion, I introduce a new…
Co-investment, often seen as a remedy for agency problems, may incentivize managers to cater to own preferences. We provide evidence that mutual fund managers with considerable co-investment stakes alter…
We explore the relationship between social mobility and economic development. First, we map the geography of intergenerational mobility in education for 52 Latin American regions, and examine its evolution over…