Factors affecting employee inflow into unemployment assistance scheme (Arbeitslosengeld 2) in 2005 and 2006
Factors affecting employee inflow into unemployment assistance scheme (Arbeitslosengeld 2) in 2005 and 2006
01.01.2007 – 28.02.2008
The project's aim is to analyse empirically the inflow of employees into unemployment assistance scheme (Arbeitslosengeld 2) and the factors affecting it using the process data of the Federal Labor Office (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). The results of the project which shed more light onto the process of the inflow into Arbeitslosengeld 2 are valuable for the future sample design of the householdpanel within the scope of the SGB II research. Most importantly, it should be analysed if and to what extent it is possible to predict the Arbeitslosengeld 2 risk using the process data of the Federal Labor Office.
Research Associate
To the profile
Bernd Fitzenberger