
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.09.2017 – 31.10.2018

    Identification of Areas for Prospective Economic Development - Economic Strengths of European Countries

    The aim of the project is to identify areas of economic and scientific-technological strength in Europe for individual countries and derive clusters of areas for prospective economic development. For each area, we…

  2. Project // 01.09.2017 – 30.06.2022

    Coordination Priority Program "The German Labor Market in a Globalized World: Challenges Through Trade, Technology and Demographics" (SPP1764)

    The central purpose of the Priority Program was to advance top level research to develop a deeper understanding of the challenges facing labor markets in Germany in particular and throughout Europe in a global…

  3. Project // 01.09.2017 – 31.12.2018

    Swiss Report on Research and Innovation 2018: Comparing Switzerland with Selected Regions

    This project aims at analysing the research and innovation performance of Switzerland compared to other regions of similar size and economic structure. The project focuses on the following four indicator areas:

    1. Res…
  4. Project // 01. – 31.08.2017

    Public Country-by-Country Reporting

    During the debate on base erosion and profit shifting of multinational firms the claim for the disclosure of certain tax-related information on a per-country basis, the so called country-by-country reporting,…

  5. Project // 01.08.2017 – 30.06.2018

    Productivity Paradox in the Manufacturing of Machinery and Equipment Industry

    In 2016, the German manufacturing of machinery and equipment industry’s labour productivity was less than in 2005. It increased until 2008 but dropped significantly in the crisis year 2009. It was not until 2011…

  6. Project // 01.08.2017 – 31.07.2018

    Tax Transparency: Does it pay to be transparent? On the Dynamics of Voluntary Tax Disclosure

    In the last decade the global landscape of tax transparency has gone through a revolution. Multinationals are facing an increasingly challenging tax environment which ranges from progressively more stringent…

  7. Project // 01.08. – 30.11.2017

    The Role of Private Banks in the German Economy

    The aim of the project is to document the role of German private banks in the German economy. The study will consist of two parts. In the first part, the results on the role of private banks for export financing…

  8. Project // 01.08.2017 – 31.10.2018

    Effective Levels of Company Taxation within an Enlarged European Union and Related Supporting Services, Update 2017

    Pursuing the goals of the Lisbon Strategy, the European Commission addresses the malfunctioning of the Internal Market due to corporate tax obstacles. In this context, effective tax…

  9. Project // 01.08.2017 – 31.03.2018

    Subsidy Rates for R&D Tax Incentives

    The aim of the project is to collect empirical evidence which can be used for determining the subsidy rate for an R&D tax incentive in Germany.

  10. Project // 01.08.2017 – 31.07.2018

    Intergenerational Mobility and Redistribution: Survey Evidence from German Politicians

    Do concerns of intergenerational mobility affect redistributive preferences and policy choices? We shed light on these questions both by conducting large-scale online survey experiments with German politicians…

  11. Project // 01.08.2017 – 28.02.2018

    Monitoring of the Digital Transformation in Baden-Württemberg

    The purpose of the project is to monitor the process of digitalisation of Baden-Württemberg’s economy. The analysis is mainly based on a representative business survey and allows differentiating with respect to…

  12. Project // 01.08.2017 – 30.04.2019

    Incentive power and sustainability of different incentive regulation regimes in German electricity distribution

    The project "Incentive power and sustainability of different incentive regulation regimes in German electricity distribution" deals with the development of electricity distribution grids, which are an important…