
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.01.2019 – 31.03.2021

    Buy Local – A Market for Balancing Energy in Electricity Distribution Networks

    The project aims on laying the foundations for to design a market for balancing energy in electricity distribution networks. Such markets currently do not exist, albeit more and more retail customers like small…

  2. Project // 01.01.2019 – 31.03.2021

    Redesign Redispatch

    The project aims on analyzing, testing, and potentially redesigning the mechanism for the procurement of power plant redispatch in the German transmission grid for electric power.

  3. Project // 01.12.2018 – 30.11.2021

    Climate Protection Potential of Digital Transformation (CliDiTrans): Micro- and Macroeconomic Evidence on the Role of Demand Effects and Production Relocation

    Digitalisation of the economy and society is a significant driver of changes in lifestyles and the work environment. The increasingly decentralized availability and rapidly developing capacity of information and…

  4. Project // 01.12.2018 – 31.08.2022

    Evaluating Germany’s Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Practice

    Building on the Socio-Ecologic Panel (SÖP) established in the BMBF-funded project Eval-MAP (, the objectives of the proposed project Eval-MAP II are twofold. First, we will undertake…

  5. Project // 01.12.2018 – 03.06.2020

    Effects of the National Minimum Wage on Self-Employment

    The aim of this project was to investigate whether the introduction of the federal minimum wage in Germany in 2015 causally effected self-employment. The project was conducted using data on self-employment from…

  6. Project // 01.12.2018 – 30.11.2022

    Incentives, Fairness and Compliance in International Environmental Agreements

    During the United Nations Climate Change Conference in December 2015 (COP21) and its resulting Paris Agreement, 195 countries agreed to set out a global action plan to limit global…

  7. Project // 01.11.2018 – 31.05.2021

    Indicators for Innovation Systems: Interactions Between the Science and the Business Sector and Absorptive Capacity of Firms

    In this research project we present the commonly employed set of innovation indicators and demonstrate the limitations thereof. Our target is to develop new approaches in order to tackle and remedy these…

  8. Project // 01.11.2018 – 28.02.2022

    The Relevance of Non-State Actors for Individual Climate Protection Activities and Climate Policy: A Theoretical, Experimental, and Empirical Analysis (NostaClimate)

    The project "The relevance of non-state actors for individual climate protection activities and climate policy: A theoretical, experimental, and empirical analysis (NostaClimate)", financed by the Federal Ministry…

  9. Project // 01.11.2018 – 30.04.2022

    Climate Impact Chains in a Globalized World: A Challenge for Germany

    The project CLIC is pursuing three overarching goals: advancing methods for economic assessments of transboundary climate impacts on economic activities, applying these methods for analyzing such effects on the…

  10. Project // 15.10.2018 – 31.12.2019

    Restructuring and Extension of a Sample of the 2018 KfW Business Survey Panel

    The “Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau” (KfW) has been establishing a firm panel on the basis of paper-and-pencil interviews which is representative of medium-sized and large companies since 2002. Companies of all…

  11. Project // 01.10.2018 – 31.03.2020

    Preparing the CIS 2020

    The project aimed at preparing the European innovation survey for the 2020 reference year (Community Innovation Survey – CIS 2020). This included the development of a questionnaire and an update of the survey…

  12. Project // 01.10.2018 – 30.09.2019

    Understanding Public Attitudes and Political Preferences in the Context of Automatization of the Labour Force

    The increased use of automation and digitization at the work place is an important part of the public and academic debate on the future role of work in modern societies and potential reforms of the welfare state.…