Report on Germany's Technological Performance 2007

Report on Germany's Technological Performance 2007

This report summarises and evaluates main indicators of technological competitiveness of the German economy and provides an outlook for the years ahead. We use intertemporal and cross-country comparisons of primary scientific and technological indicators. In addition, the report deals with selected issues of innovation policy agenda. The major emphasis of the report is on current and future challenges faced by the German innovation system. Especially, we will focus on

  • Germany´s position regarding international technology competition
  • Productivity, R&D, and innovation: Assessment and perspectives of German firms´
  • Sectoral innovation systems
  • Scientific research and technology transfer
  • Demand for skilled-labour and incentives to invest in human capital
  • National and EU innovation
  • Innovation policy mix and the innovation political agenda

Project members

Georg Licht

Georg Licht

Project Coordinator
Research Associate

To the profile
Christina Elschner

Christina Elschner

Research Associate

To the profile
Jürgen Egeln

Jürgen Egeln

Senior Researcher

To the profile

Selected Publications


Georg Licht
Research Associate
Dr. Georg Licht
To the profile