ZEW Staff

Currently, the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research employs a staff of 190, of which 2/3 are scientists. The interdisciplinary approach of the ZEW is reflected in the collaboration of economists and graduates in business management, economic engineers, and IT specialists, as well as scientists from other fields, e.g. jurists and natural scientists.

Junior Research Associate

Stage, Barbara

To the profile
Research Associate

Stahl, Konrad

To the profile
Research Associate

Stahl, Florian

To the profile
Camila Steffens

Steffens, Camila

To the profile
Junior Research Associate

Steffes, Susanne

To the profile
Paul Steger

Steger, Paul

To the profile
Daniela Steinbrenner
Advanced Researcher

Steinbrenner, Daniela

To the profile

Steines, Leon

To the profile
Eliza Stenzhorn

Stenzhorn, Eliza

To the profile
Holger Stichnoth

Stichnoth, Holger

To the profile
Anna Straubinger
Advanced Researcher

Straubinger, Anna

To the profile
Linus Strecke

Strecke, Linus

To the profile
Katarzyna Strzelczyk
Human Ressources

Strzelczyk, Katarzyna

To the profile
Research Associate

Stuhler, Jan

To the profile
Research Associate

Sturm, Bodo

To the profile
Research Associate

Tertilt, Michèle

To the profile

Thelen, Thomas

To the profile
Research Associate

Thomsen, Stephan Lothar

To the profile
Research Associate

Thorwarth, Susanne

To the profile
Bastian Thüne
Press Officer

Thüne, Bastian

To the profile