Professor Dr. Xiaohu Feng, Professor Zhongxiu Zhao, PhD, and Professor Jinjun Xue were visiting researchers at the ZEW Research Department “Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management“ from…
Europe should address the crisis of confidence at the European bond
markets through a direct equalisation of interest rates. Such a solution,
as suggested by Friedrich Heinemann, rules out the collective…
Associate Professor Shunsake Managi, PhD, is visiting researcher at the ZEW Research Department "Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management" from July 19 to August 25, 2012. He is Associate…
On August 7, 2012, a high-ranking delegation of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics visited the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim. The group consisted of the twenty directors of…
The extent to which the Greek electorate was buoyed by the country's advance to the quarterfinals of the 2012 European football championship is unclear. In any event, the outcome of the elections on June 17 has…
More and more companies are shifting to cloud computing, where services such as information storage, computing capacity, and software applications do not depend on in-house data centres. With cloud computing,…
Some 80 per cent of German households have an overdraft credit. According to experts of consumer protection organisations, the interest rates on overdraft credits are too high. A study presented in Berlin on…
In July and August 2012, Prof. Michael Ward, PhD, and Dr. Jörg Claussen are visiting researchers at the ZEW Research Group "Information and Communication Technologies". Michael Ward is Professor of Economics at…
The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) contributes its computer simulation "The Climate Protection Dilemma" to the Leibniz Association's stand at the ESOF in Dublin on July 11-15, 2012. The item…
On July 10 and 11, 2012, a delegation of researchers from the renowned Fudan University in Shanghai visited the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). The Chinese delegation was headed by the director of…