
  1. Public Events // 09.04.2013

    "Europe must Press Ahead with Economic Integration" – Wolfgang Schäuble Speaks at ZEW

    In a lecture held on 8 April 2013 at ZEW, the German Federal Minister of Finance, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, argued that institutional frameworks are key for building a strong European Union. Schäuble appeared as…
  2. Public Events // 08.04.2013

    The Mannheim Economics and Currency Dialogues: Online Livestream of the Presentation by the Federal Minister of Finance Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble

    As part of the Mannheim Economics and Currency Dialogues with invited guests, Federal Minister of Finance Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble will hold a lecture, entitled "Unsere Institutionen sind der Schlüssel - Zum…
  3. Public Events // 22.01.2013

    Roland Koch Speaks at ZEW

    Roland Koch, Chairman of the Executive Board at Bilfinger SE, gave a lecture on Germany Between the Poles of Success and Economic Crisis at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) on January 21, 2013.…
  4. Public Events // 21.11.2012

    ZEW President Wolfgang Franz Receives Merkur Award from IHK Region Stuttgart

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz received the "Merkur", the top award of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Stuttgart Region (IHK Region Stuttgart). IHK honours personalities who rendered…
  5. Public Events // 14.06.2012

    ZEW Economic Forum 2012 - Perspectives for the Euro

    ZEW President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz was pleased to welcome some 400 guests to the ZEW Economic Forum on Thursday, June 14, in Mannheim. Renowned political representatives, financial experts,…
  6. Public Events // 27.04.2012

    President of the Deutsche Bundesbank Talks About Financial Crisis and its Challenges for Monetary Policy

    Prof. Dr. Axel Weber, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank and member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) gave a speech at the Mannheim Discussions on Economic and Currency Issues. The…