
  1. Opinion // 26.11.2014

    Luxembourg's Tax Tricks and Tax Competition in Europe

    Public debate concerning Luxembourg and its tax tricks has focused first and foremost on the individual responsibility of Jean-Claude Juncker. This was perhaps to be expected. Yet there is a danger that the…
  2. Opinion // 23.10.2014

    Investment, Debt, and Balanced Budgets

    The recent spate of bad economic news is akin to a freezing autumn rain ruining the end of a sunny late summer’s day. Bold optimism characterised the first half of 2014. The German economy seemed to be brimming…
  3. Opinion // 18.09.2014

    Youth Unemployment: Waging an Effective Battle

    Some 5.5 million youths under 25 are currently unemployed in the EU. While not a new problem, youth unemployment has become much more acute since the outbreak of the last economic crisis. Across the EU, youth…
  4. Opinion // 25.07.2014

    Germany's Inheritance Tax Needs Reform

    Generating some 4.5 billion euros in revenues each year, Germany's inheritance tax is actually a small source of income for the state – revenues from taxes on tobacco, for example, are more than three times as…
  5. Opinion // 09.05.2014

    It Certainly Could Be a Bit More!

    "Bracket creep" is one of those dry topics that might well be of interest only to tax experts and economists. It refers to the increased tax burden that results when tax rates are not adjusted to reflect…
  6. Opinion // 10.04.2014

    The First 100 Days of the Grand Coalition

    After 100 days of a new government in office, it is standard practice to look back on what has been achieved so far. How successful has Germany’s Grand Coalition of CDU and SPD been so far in terms of economic…
  7. Opinion // 07.03.2014

    The Consequences of German Constitutional Court Ruling on OMT

    Confusion – that was the first effect of the decision by the German Constitutional Court on the OMT programme of the ECB. “Victory for the ECB” read the first headlines in the Financial Times. Initially it…
  8. Opinion // 18.02.2014

    Fairness and Mothers' Pensions

    For years now, there has been intense discussion in Germany about the financial problems facing the public pension system due to population aging. Fewer and fewer contributors are paying into the pensions of…