
  1. Opinion // 29.11.2018

    Focusing on Energy Policy

    Public awareness for the threat posed by climate change is at an unprecedented high. This is a welcome fact. The need for structural change away from fossil fuels and toward climate-friendly energy sources is –…
  2. Opinion // 16.10.2018

    Brexit – No Deal Is Not an Option

    As the end of 2018 approaches, the UK and the European Union still need to negotiate the details of Brexit. However, any kind of agreement still seems a long way off. It is of the utmost urgency that some of…
  3. Opinion // 09.08.2018

    Competition in the Digital Age - Google Should “Do the Right Thing”

    Google’s parent company Alphabet is an impressive corporation. With a current market value of around 837 ­bil­­lion dollars, it is among the top three most valuable companies in the world. With the exemption of…
  4. Opinion // 16.07.2018

    How to Transform Germany into a Gigabit Society

    The warning from the European Court of Auditors that Germany risks missing out on the rapid expansion of ultra-fast internet if it sticks to its current copper wire based expansion strategy is alarming. The…
  5. Opinion // 25.05.2018

    The EU Single Market – 25 Years of Success with Room for Improvement

    In January of 1993 Europe officially began its experiment with a common market. Now, 25 years later, we can say with certainty that it’s been a resounding success. Accounting for more than 500 million…
  6. Opinion // 25.04.2018

    Improving Healthcare by Increasing Competition

    According to the OECD’s most recent healthcare report, Germany’s health system is merely average – not in terms of healthcare expenditure, which, like the number of doctors and hospital beds per capita, is…
  7. Opinion // 27.03.2018

    Germany’s Federal Cartel Office – 60 Years of Protecting Competition

    Happy birthday to the German Federal Cartel Office! As the Federal Cartel Office turns 60 this year, it can look back on a long history of successes. But now is not the time for the Office to rest on its…