
  1. Opinion // 14.11.2011

    Temporary Employment

    Germany's temporary employment sector has seen rapid growth in recent years, with the number of temporary employees rising from 340,000 in 2000 to 824,000 in 2010. While this growth has continued apace in 2011,…
  2. Opinion // 12.10.2011

    Fear Mongering

    Economists are currently being taken to task for the inaccuracy of their forecasts. Some of their most critical voices have come from the natural sciences, where the commentary has been mocking and at times…
  3. Opinion // 08.09.2011


    It‘s not long since the European Central Bank (ECB) enjoyed great respectability on account of its credible independence and stability-orientated monetary politics. Now, however, the ECB is in choppy waters…
  4. Opinion // 18.07.2011

    Electric Vehicles and Government Subsidies

    Whenever the question arises of how best to deal with government deficits, businesses and their professional associations often identify subsidies as the place to start. Yet, instead of calling for subsidies to…
  5. Opinion // 06.06.2011

    Climate Protection for All?

    Predictions about future economic growth are not the only ones fraught with significant uncertainties. The natural sciences are also susceptible to errors resulting from erroneous predictions – and perhaps with…
  6. Opinion // 10.05.2011

    Promises to Pay

    Particularly on the international stage, Germany has been accused of weariness with the European project. At times, it is hard to avoid the impression that other European nations measure Germany’s enthusiasm…
  7. Opinion // 13.04.2011

    Future of Nuclear Power

    The horrific news reports and images from Japan’s nuclear disaster are disturbing, yet it would be unwise to rely on the advice of the Cassandras in our midst. What is instead needed is a reassessment of…
  8. Opinion // 07.03.2011

    Economic Governance

    In March of this year Europe's heads of state and government will decide on whether to adopt the "Competitiveness Pact" that was jointly proposed by France and Germany on 4 February. The pact, often discussed…
  9. Opinion // 07.02.2011

    What Euro Crisis?

    If the euro really is to blame for the current difficulties and negative developments plaguing the Eurozone, the chances of the currency union being a success would be very slim indeed. However, this is not the…
  10. Opinion // 06.12.2010


    Take a close look at your advent wreath. Was is made out of dried leaves when you bought it or did you opt for a fresh one? You might ask whether this is anyone’s business but your own. Well, apparently the…