In its most recent annual report, the German Council of Economic Experts has analysed whether the coalition agreement of CDU, CSU and FDP takes into account the diverse economic and political challenges that…
The economic expectations of financial market experts, which are surveyed by ZEW on a monthly basis, has not worsened since mid-October and are thus below the historical average. Based on the information…
It is well-known that the German government intends to evaluate the possibility of introducing combined wages. Therefore, the government asked the German Council of Economic Experts to provide an expert report…
The Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia and vice-chair of the conservative party CDU, Dr. Jürgen Rüttgers, was quoted as saying: The belief that tax cuts will lead to more investment and more jobs is…
By now, the restructuring of the statutory health insurance (SHI) has gradually taken shape as indicated in the white paper issued on July 4, 2006 by the German federal government. Although several essential…
Germany is still one of the highest taxed countries when it comes to corporation tax. This has been confirmed by international comparisons conducted by ZEW and the German Council of Economic Experts. As a…