
  1. Opinion // 11.12.2013

    A Coalition Agreement for the Holiday Season

    With Christmas around the corner, who wants to think about cinching one's belt to reduce spending? We're much more inclined to think about Santa Claus, and the gifts he will bring. A little known variation of…
  2. Opinion // 02.10.2013

    New Elections are Likelier Than Tax Increases

    It is paradoxical. If we are to believe the opinion pollsters, then the poor election results for Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Greens are payback, at least in part, for their unpopular plans…
  3. Opinion // 02.09.2013

    Have Germany’s Fiscal Policymakers Made Good Use of the Relief Provided by Low Interest Rates?

    Imagine a married couple without children who are faced with the following situation. They are highly indebted from living beyond their means for many years; their home is freshly painted but run down on the…
  4. Opinion // 11.07.2013

    A Grand Coalition of Folly: The Rental Price Cap

    The fact that politicians put forth populist and economically irrational proposals just prior to elections to garner a few extra votes is apparently an evil we must learn to live with. The most recent example…
  5. Opinion // 10.06.2013

    Germany must strengthen its balanced-budget amendment at the state level

    In 2009 German policymakers ratified a constitutional amendment to limit new debt creation. The "debt brake" provisions that were adopted stipulate that all German states must have balanced budgets by 2020. The…
  6. Opinion // 01.05.2013

    The Reform of International Taxation - An Uphill Battle

    The taxation of multinational companies is not a topic suited for soapbox platitudes. It is simply too complex. Yet politicians continue to make it a subject of public debate. The governments of France,…
  7. Opinion // 03.04.2013

    Reintroducing the Wealth Tax at any Cost?

    One of the issues that will figure prominently in the upcoming German parliamentary election is whether to increase taxes on wealth. For the most part, Germany currently taxes wealth by means of an inheritance…
  8. Opinion // 06.03.2013

    The Faustian Bargains

    Last year, it was quite fashionable to compare the ECB’s monetary policy to the Mephistophelean discovery of endlessly reproducible paper money in Faust. But current public opinion in the eurozone would seem to…
  9. Opinion // 05.02.2013


    My final column written as ZEW's President before resiging from office has to do with Europe. Not only to pay tribute to the "E" in ZEW, but primarily because I am worried about Europe. We should not let things…
  10. Opinion // 13.12.2012

    Banking Union

    "Though this be madness, yet there is method in it." The efforts on the part of some governments in the eurozone to set up a functional European banking union by the beginning of 2013 might certainly remind us…