
  1. Opinion // 17.12.2015

    German Federal States Require Greater Tax Autonomy

    If German Minister of Finance, Wolfgang Schäuble, should happen to be stuck for ideas as to what to give his state ministers for Christmas, he need only read the states' proposal for reform of the German…
  2. Opinion // 25.11.2015

    A System for Monitoring Emissions Is Essential

    At the beginning of December, the nations of the world meet in Paris for the 2015 UN Climate Conference. The ultimate goal of the summit is to sign an agreement that will curb CO2 emissions and limit the…
  3. Opinion // 17.09.2015

    How to Reduce Joint Liability in the Eurozone

    Since the announcement of the European Central Bank’s Outright Monetary Transaction Programme (OMT), lending rates for Eurozone countries in high levels of debt have sunk to a level that cannot be justified by…
  4. Opinion // 13.08.2015

    Greece: Slumping Towards Permanent Crisis

    After the dramatic negotiations surrounding Greece’s debt crisis in July, European leaders launched a new aid programme for the ailing country. What does this mean for the future of the eurozone?
  5. Opinion // 09.06.2015

    Is the German Minimum Wage a Boon or Bane? Too Soon to Tell

    With a minimum wage in effect for Germany since the beginning of the year, it's time to take preliminary stock of its impact. Has the statutory minimum wage led to job cuts, as many critics feared? At first…
  6. Opinion // 12.05.2015

    Investment Policy in Germany

    The news that Germany's Minister for Economic Affairs, Sigmar Gabriel, had formed an expert commission to develop proposals for bolstering investment in German infrastructure is a welcome sign. While the size…
  7. Opinion // 10.03.2015

    Current Interest Rate Trends: "Germany Can Do Without Interest Subsidies"

    One man's meat is often another man's poison. An example of this somewhat old-fashioned maxim can be found in today's interest rates. While high-debt nations and homebuilders celebrate the historically low…
  8. Opinion // 02.02.2015

    Greece’s New Government

    An eventuality that was long feared is now reality. The Greek electorate no longer appears willing to accept budget cuts and economic policy reforms. Voting in droves for Syriza, the Greeks have chosen a party…