
  1. Workshop // 28.09.2017

    CIDER Workshop Autumn 2017 Promotes Outstanding Young Educational Researchers

    From 18 to 20 September 2017 ZEW hosted the College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research’s (CIDER) Autumn 2017 workshop. The College, set up and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research,…
  2. Research // 27.09.2017

    EU Communication on the Taxation of Digital Economy Firms Uses ZEW-Findings

    As a means of addressing the lack of global progress towards the appropriate taxation of profits made by companies in the digital economy, the EU Commission recently proposed a number of possible measures to…
  3. Dates and News // 21.09.2017

    ZEW President Achim Wambach Comments on Air Berlin in Radio Interview

    In an interview with the radio station Bayern 2 ZEW President Professor Achim Wambach commented on the upcoming decision surrounding the sale of the bankrupt airline Air Berlin, which is set to be made by the…
  4. Opinion // 21.09.2017

    Gathering New Data for Efficient Transport Policies

    Recently, the Federal Minister of Transport, Alexander Dobrindt, announced a 350-million-euro subsidy for 2018, designed to lower track charges for freight transport and encourage shippers to move from roads to…
  5. Questions & Answers // 20.09.2017

    The ‘Middle-Class Bulge’ Is Set to Become Smaller After the German Federal Election

    The German government is literally rolling in money. Calculations carried out by the German Federal Ministry of Finance indicate that additional tax revenues are likely to amount to 46 billion euros between…
  6. Events // 08.09.2017

    ZEW Strongly Represented at the VfS Annual Conference 2017

    The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) contributed actively to the 2017 Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS, German Economic Association) held at the University of Vienna from 3 to 6…
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