YES! National Final in Hamburg: ZEW Competes with Two Teams

Dates and News

YES! School Competition in Hamburg: ZEW Mannheim Mentored Albert-Magnus-Gymnasium Stuttgart and Carl-Benz-Gymnasium Ladenburg

Group photo from the national final of the student competition YES! - Young Economic Solutions 2024 in Hamburg.

The school teams from the Albert-Magnus-Gymnasium Stuttgart and the Carl-Benz-Gymnasium Ladenburg, mentored by ZEW, presented impressive concepts and presentations at the YES! – Young Economic Solutions 2024 student competition. The national final took place in Hamburg from 17 to 19 September.

The Albert-Magnus-Gymnasium presented “Go4Green”, an app that rewards users for choosing eco-friendly transport, e.g. with a voucher for the local supermarket. The Carl-Benz-Gymnasium also focused on mobility and sustainability. Their project, “Urban Paradise – Cycling, Living, City”, proposed a concept to increase the attractiveness of cycling in Mannheim, with the aim of creating a more liveable city and supporting the shift in urban mobility.

Both teams were mentored by ZEW economists Dr. Anna Straubinger and Tim Kalmey. ZEW Mannheim will be happy to support teams again in 2025.

The prize for the best scientific analysis and first place this year went to the team of INSALCO Santiago from Chile with their card game “Capital Masters – Who Makes the Right Choice?” Congratulations on this great achievement!

Background on the 2024 competition

Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium Stuttgart presenting Go4Green.
Carl-Benz-Gymnasium Ladenburg presenting Urban Paradise.

The top 14 out of 60 teams in the YES! – Young Economic Solutions school competition met in Hamburg from 17 to 19 September. Together with experts from politics, business, and society, they discussed their solutions on various pressing topics, such as nutrition, mobility reform, recycling, and health care.

ZEW Mannheim congratulates all the winners of the 2024 competition. The winning teams will be honoured in December at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action in Berlin.

About YES!

The YES! – Young Economic Solutions competition is a joint project of the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics and the Joachim Herz Stiftung in Hamburg. YES! is one of the largest high school competitions in Germany looking at issues affecting the future of our world. Over the course of a six-month mentoring programme, student teams tackle pressing issues facing future generations. The students develop their own solutions to global economic, environmental and social problems and present them as part of the YES! – Young Economic Solutions conference to other students. Researchers from various Leibniz institutions support the students with their scientific expertise.