SEEK-Project 2013: A New International Division of Labour – Adjustments in European Regions

SEEK-Project 2013: A New International Division of Labour – Adjustments in European Regions



Period: 01.11.2013 – 30.11.2014

The increasing international integration of labour markets can no longer be sufficiently described along industry sectors or skill categories based on educational achievements. Instead, technological innovations have provided the possibility to break up international production chains into individual tasks the content of which determines their tradability. The changing international division of labour gives rise to profound adjustment processes on European labour markets. Depending on their initial task specialisation, regions differ regarding their exposure to recent trends in globalisation. This poses new challenges to EU policies which aim at reducing regional disparities. Adopting a regional perspective, the project is the first investigation of regional exposure to globalisation and regional task distribution in Europe. It also identifies the effects of globalisation on regional employment outcomes using recent econometric methodologies.

Project members

Jan Hogrefe

Jan Hogrefe

Project Coordinator

To the profile
Melanie Arntz

Melanie Arntz

Project Coordinator

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Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage

Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage

Project Coordinator
Research Associate

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Sarra Ben Yahmed

Sarra Ben Yahmed

Senior Researcher

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Terry Gregory

Terry Gregory

Senior Researcher

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Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, DE
Cooperation partner
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, US // CEMFI, Madrid, ES
