Digitalisation and the Future of Work: Macroeconomic Consequences for Tomorrow's Employment, Unemployment and Wages

Digitalisation and the Future of Work: Macroeconomic Consequences for Tomorrow's Employment, Unemployment and Wages

There is a controversial public debate on the consequences of an increasingly digitalized world of work on the society and economy. In particular, fears are raised that jobs might be increasingly at risk due to the use of machines and intelligent algorithms. In the discussion, macroeconomic adjustment processes are often neglected, such as the creation of new jobs and industries. The project aims at estimation the effects of technological change in form of automization and digitalization on employment, unemployment and wages while taking into account important macroeconomic adjustment processes. The analyses are in especially relevant for the economic and labor market policy, as they provide information on the allocation of the risks and chances of digitalization on workers, on which labor market groups are particularly threatened through potential job losses and on how to successfully cope with the challenge of digitalization.

Project members

Melanie Arntz

Melanie Arntz

Project Coordinator

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Terry Gregory

Terry Gregory

Project Coordinator
Senior Researcher

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Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage

Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage

Project Coordinator
Research Associate

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Selected Publications

Previous Projects

SEEK-Project 2013: Can Task-Biased Technological Change Explain Changes In Regional Labor Market Disparities?

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