Transition to flexible payment form an Economic and Legal Viewpoint

Transition to flexible payment form an Economic and Legal Viewpoint

Economists and legal experts regard flexible salaries as an important precondition to reduce the consistently high unemployment rate in Germany. In this context, they often refer to experience that was gathered in Great Britain or the USA, i.e. countries in which the unemployment rate declined sharply in the nineties and where partially drastic deregulation measures were implemented in the legal and institutional framework conditions of the labour market. Has Germany's federal wage-fixing system turned detrimental to competition and jobs, when seen against the background of modified work organisation and the European integration which accompany technical progress?
Within an interdisciplinary research project, representatives of business administration, economics, and jurisprudence will elaborate theoretical and empirical bases in order to learn more about the economic and legal nexus between the labour law systems (particularly the collective pay agreements system) and the degree of wage flexibility. The aim of the study is to attain economically expressive, theoretically and empirically verified results, which will explain the causes and consequences of wage rigidities. Based on these findings we will derive reform options for the two sides of industry, and public decision-makers.
The empirical analysis starts out, inter alia, with the analysis of the IAB Employee Sample from 1975 to 1995, company interviews, detailed case studies, and our own company interviews. We intend to determine the companies' specific flexibility requirements according to their economic sector, technology intensity, their product-market strategy, and competition on the commodity and factor markets. Based on a regularly conducted ZEW survey, we will explore the type and extent of binding collective wage agreements survey on business-related services, which developed dynamically in the past years, in order to comprehend how wages are fixed in companies that are not bound by a collective agreement. We assume that a relatively high share of companies that is not subject to collective agreements can be found precisely in this sector, and it is again this sector where we witness a considerable information deficit in entrepreneurial wage-fixing behaviour. Furthermore, we started a company poll on February 1, 2000 with the title "Flexible Incomes - Employment Effects". The purpose of this study is to examine the employment policy of private enterprises, and to which extent they are bound by collective agreements. The poll will be conducted primarily in the chemical, metal, electrotechnic, mechanical engineering, commerce, bank, insurance, and other service sectors.

Project members

Wolfgang Franz

Wolfgang Franz

Project Coordinator
Former President

To the profile
Prof. Dr. Walter A. Oechsler

Prof. Dr. Walter A. Oechsler

Project Coordinator

To the profile
Prof. Dr. Volker Rieble

Prof. Dr. Volker Rieble

Project Coordinator

To the profile
Friedhelm Pfeiffer

Friedhelm Pfeiffer


To the profile

Selected Publications

Reasons for Wage Rigidity in Germany

Franz, Wolfgang and Friedhelm Pfeiffer (2006), Reasons for Wage Rigidity in Germany, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations 20 (2) , 255-284

A Note on Labor Contracts and Wage Rigidities: An Empirical Investigation Using Survey Data

Franz, Wolfgang and Friedhelm Pfeiffer (2005), A Note on Labor Contracts and Wage Rigidities: An Empirical Investigation Using Survey Data, Applied Economics Quarterly 51 (2) , 219-228

Collective Wage Agreements and Firms' Employment Policies

Kaiser, Ulrich and Friedhelm Pfeiffer (2001), Collective Wage Agreements and Firms' Employment Policies, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations 10 (3) , 319-341

Der Tarifvertrag als kollektiv-privatautonomer Vertrag

Rieble, Volker (2000), Der Tarifvertrag als kollektiv-privatautonomer Vertrag, ZfA , 5-27

Der Fall Holzmann und seine Lehren

Rieble, Volker (2000), Der Fall Holzmann und seine Lehren, NZA , 225-234

Wages in the East German Transition Process: Facts and Explanations

Franz, Wolfgang and Viktor Steiner (2000), Wages in the East German Transition Process: Facts and Explanations, German Economic Review 1 (3) , 241-269

Real and Monetary Challenges to Wage Policy in Germany at the Turn of the Millennium: Technical Progress, Globalization and European Monetary Union

Franz, Wolfgang (2000), Real and Monetary Challenges to Wage Policy in Germany at the Turn of the Millennium: Technical Progress, Globalization and European Monetary Union, ifo Studien (46) 1 , 13-53

Lohnumstellung auf den Euro - Handlungslasten und Handlungschancen für die betriebliche Praxis

Rieble, Volker (1999), Lohnumstellung auf den Euro - Handlungslasten und Handlungschancen für die betriebliche Praxis, INF : die Information für Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer , 110-114

Die Burda-Entscheidung des BAG

Rieble, Volker (1999), Die Burda-Entscheidung des BAG, ZTR , 483-488

Bündnis für Arbeit: "Dritter Weg" oder Sackgasse

Rieble, Volker (1999), Bündnis für Arbeit: "Dritter Weg" oder Sackgasse, Recht der Arbeit 52 , 169-177

Lohnstrukturen, Qualifikation und Mobilität

Franz, Wolfgang (1999), Lohnstrukturen, Qualifikation und Mobilität, Sonderheft der Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 219 (1+2)

Wirkung des technischen Fortschritts auf die Qualifikationsstruktur der Beschäftigung und die Entlohnung

Klotz, Stefan, Friedhelm Pfeiffer and Winfried Pohlmeier (1999), Wirkung des technischen Fortschritts auf die Qualifikationsstruktur der Beschäftigung und die Entlohnung, Journal of Economics and Statistics/ Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 219 (1+2) , 90-108
