Efficient Design of Measures to Promote Broadband Infrastructure
Efficient Design of Measures to Promote Broadband Infrastructure
In order for the expected growth, productivity and innovation potential of modern ICT applications to be realized on the demand side, the renewal of existing base broadband infrastructure or its (partial) replacement with high-performance fiber optic networks is required in advance. However, this is accompanied by high investment volumes on the part of the infrastructure providers. With regard to the provision of public services, it is difficult to give a central role to the "white areas", that is, to the public authorities. To justify external relations, for example in terms of cost-cutting effects for other sectors of the economy. Subsidies also play an important role in preventing a digital divide that is undesirable in terms of distribution policy. Both nationally and internationally, different funding models are used. Specifically, this market design project will address the following research questions: (i) Were the public procurement procedures implemented in most industrialized countries efficient? (ii) How should efficient support measures be designed?