FAZIT Research Project for Current and Future-Oriented IT and Media Technologies and their Use in Baden-Württemberg

FAZIT Research Project for Current and Future-Oriented IT and Media Technologies and their Use in Baden-Württemberg



Period: 01.01.2005 – 31.03.2009

The project FAZIT analysed current and future developments of the IT and media sector in the state of Baden-Württemberg as well as the significance of IT and media technologies for economy and society for the time period 2005 to 2009. The research approach combined market analyses, company surveys, case studies, research workshops, Delphi studies, scenario processes and roadmapping. FAZIT had 15 main topics and continuously presented research results, which were actively communicated to the public in order to get suggestions for further research. The project was provided by the state of Baden-Württemberg within the Zukunftsoffensive III and was coordinated by the MFG Stiftung Baden-Württemberg. Project partners were the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (Fraunhofer ISI) in Karlsruhe.The ZEW was in charge of the ICT monitoring in Baden-Württemberg and collected data on the determinants, the extent and the economical effects of ICT use in firms. For this purpose, representative surveys were accomplished every six months. The main topics were “Open Source Software and IT Security”, “IT-Outsourcing, Internationalisation and Flexible Work Organisation”, “E-Business”, “Intralogistic”, “Business Software and Embedded Systems”, and “Business Process Outsourcing”. Companies from the IT and media sector as well as ICT using companies from other branches of the manufacturing industry and the service sector were questioned. The IT and media sector included the subsectors software, IT and media hardware, data processing services and (tele-) communication, audio-visual media, print and publishing, advertising and market communication as well as content service providers. The ICT using companies came from the sectors chemistry, machine construction, medical, measurement and control technology, automotive industry, banking and insurance industry as well as research and development and technical service providers were surveyed.

For further information about FAZIT, please visit the FAZIT website: http://www.fazit-forschung.de

Project members

Irene Bertschek

Irene Bertschek

Project Coordinator

To the profile
Benjamin Engelstätter

Benjamin Engelstätter

Research Associate

To the profile
Bettina Müller

Bettina Müller

Senior Researcher

To the profile
Thorsten Doherr

Thorsten Doherr


To the profile
Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, DE

Selected Publications

Selected Events


Neuerungen aus Gesetzgebung, Rechtsprechung und Verwaltung ab dem Jahr 2005


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