Innovationsverhalten der deutschen Wirtschaft - Indikatorenbericht zur Innovationserhebung 2000

Expertises // 2001
Expertises // 2001

Innovationsverhalten der deutschen Wirtschaft - Indikatorenbericht zur Innovationserhebung 2000

Since 1993, the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) has been conducting annual surveys on innovation activities in Germany. In collaboration with infas Institute for Applied Social Studies (infas), a representative data basis for the German manufacturing industry and mining has been built up and maintained (Mannheim Innovation Panel, MIP). Since 1995, a similar survey has been conducted for the service sector (MIP-S). Every year, approximately 2,200 firms in manufacturing and mining take part in the survey as well as some 2,000 firms in services. To enable the observation of developments at firm level, the same firms are included in the survey every year (panel survey). Every second year, recently established firms are added to the sample selection frame to refresh the panel. The survey focuses on the following topics: - Development and distribution of innovation activities - Development of success of innovations - Significance and structure of factors hampering innovation activities - Distribution and results of public support of innovation activities The concept of the survey incorporates questions which are repeated every year, e.g. questions about the implementation of product and process innovations, the economical impact of innovations as well as the size of innovation expenditure and R. Furthermore, additional topics are thoroughly analyzed every second year, e.g. form and content of technology diffusion and spillovers, sources of innovation, or co-operation. In the course of regular reports the ZEW outlines the innovation behavior in Germany on the basis of the Mannheim Innovation Panel. In this way, the panel contributes to cover the information demand from the view of technology and economic policy in respect of innovation processes. In the reports, starting points for political measures to strengthen the innovation potential are uncovered and indicated. In 2000, the innovation survey in manufacturing and mining was conducted for the eighth time. In 1993 and 1997, the survey represented the German contribution to the community innovation surveys (CIS) of the European Commission. The survey is accompanied by a scientific advisory board presided by Prof. Dr. Hans Georg Gemünden.

Janz, Norbert, Sandra Gottschalk, Thomas Hempell, Bettina Peters, and Hiltrud Niggemann (2001), Innovationsverhalten der deutschen Wirtschaft - Indikatorenbericht zur Innovationserhebung 2000, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung, Mannheim