Reallabor Asylsuchende in der Rhein-Neckar-Region: Vielfalt an Problemen - Vielfalt an Lösungen
ZEW policy brief No. 19-04 // 2019Germany is currently faced with the task of accommodating many fugitives and opening up new life perspectives for them. The individuals that have come to Germany to seek protection in recent years do not form a homogeneous group. Amongst other things, they differ according to gender, age, origin, cultural background, education, work experience, language skills, migration and flight experience, future plans, and other factors. In light of this diversity, one-fits-all measures often prove futile, resources are badly used and opportunities are wasted.
Bahn, Mareike, Anne Berkemeier, Petra Deger, Havva Engin, Adalbert Evers, Rebecca Höhr, Oksana Kovtun-Hensel, Svenja Kück, Martin Lange, Georg Mildenberger, Friedhelm Pfeiffer, Verena Schmid, Katrin Sommerfeld, Corinna Uebel, Birgit Werner and Christina West (2019), Reallabor Asylsuchende in der Rhein-Neckar-Region: Vielfalt an Problemen - Vielfalt an Lösungen, ZEW policy brief No. 19-04, Mannheim