The Future of Cohesion Policy 2028-2034 from a Fiscal Policy Perspective

Scientific Symposium

Cohesion Policy is an important element of European solidarity. At the same time, it absorbs a significant share of the EU budget at a time when the EU is facing major new spending needs. But what do we really know about the policy's effectiveness and efficiency? What are the key factors determining its success or failure? How should the policy be adapted in the post-2027 programming period?

With the support of the German Federal Ministry of Finance, an international network of researchers has produced a series of in-depth research papers on the design, impact, success conditions, governance and evaluation of Cohesion Policy. This event marks the launch of the resulting project report.

At our event, members of the expert network will present their findings and hand over the report to Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, and to Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Budget and Administration. German Federal Minister Christian Lindner and representatives of the EU institutions will share their reflections on the future of the policy.

The event will conclude with a reception giving the opportunity to engage in bilateral discussions with the research team.


Representation of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg to the European Union | 60-62, rue Belliard, Brussels


The Future of Cohesion Policy 2028-2034 from a Fiscal Policy Perspective



Elisa Ferreira

Elisa Ferreira // Commissioner Cohesion and Reforms, European Commission

To the profile



Representation of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg to the European Union | 60-62, rue Belliard, Brussels


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